“She has been remarkably caring and compassionate”

My case has been extermely complex, and Dr. Singhal has had to deliver difficult news to me several times. She has been remarkably caring and compassionate, and I trust her completely. When I'm down, she's the one I call. She's been there for me every step.

— L.B.S., Breast Cancer Patient


“My praise for Dr. Singhal could not be higher”

“Dr Shyamali Singhal is a wonderful human being and an exceptional surgeon. Dr Singhal removed my Klatskin Tumor on New Years Eve 2007 and i subsequently had my chemo treatments at her cancer center. As medical director at the cancer center, Dr Singhal also leads a team of highly energized, uplifting and caring professionals. My praise for Dr Singhal could not be higher. I am alive and healthy today.”

— T.R.L., Bile Duct Cancer Patient

“I had surgery, which was quite successful”

“Dr. Singhal elevated my case to the tumor board to collaborate with other experts on a plan for treatment. She felt confident that she could help me when others were not. I had surgery, which was quite successful, and I'm now doing chemo and radiation. She is straightforward, but positive, and her optimism spills over onto you.”

— M.P., 77, Pancreatic Cancer Patient 


“I really appreciate everything you have done for me”

“Thank you very much for doing the surgery successfully for me. You are very nice and responsible. I really appreciate everything you have done for me. You had also made me feel really confident about this surgery.

Thank you very much!”

— H, Cancer Patient 


“ Dr. Singhal was there to perform life saving surgery.”

After a failed ileostomy takedown surgery at Stanford Hospital in Feb 2019 that resulted in three different hospital stays and skilled rehab facilities in four months. Fortunately after the last emergency, I was taken to El Camino ER. Received superb professional treatment that probably saved my life.

Most fortunate to have ER docs on call to determine that the healing was not progressing but rather regressing. Dr Singhal was there to perform life saving surgery. The medical docs on call put together a new team of amazing specialists including a lead oncologist, hematology, infectious diseases specialist among others. They are currently overseeing my recovery and feel confident I will return to normal activities soon after Dr Singhal performs a successful ileostomy reversal. 

I am indeed indebted to the team that work closely together tending to my medical needs and leading to my ultimate recovery and especially to Drs Singhal and Dormady. Their knowledge and experience have been instrumental in my care and forward progress. Would recommend them without hesitation. Dr Singhal's honesty and direct communication in addition to her superb surgical skills are second to none. I am forever appreciative and indebted.

Most gratefully, 

— S.C. 


“Everything you said I shall take right to heart and I know it will make my recovery easier and better.”

“Dear Dr. Singhal, I have thought so much about what you kindly told me when I was in your office and want you to know how much I appreciate your input and your time.

Everything you said I shall take right to heart and I know it will make my recovery easier and better.”

— S, Cancer Patient